In a surprise announcement earlier this year, Rod Roddenberry was announced as part of the production team for the new Star Trek series coming in 2017 and earlier this month the son of Trek creator Gene Roddenury and heir to Roddenberry Entertainment spoke to Trekzone to discuss the new series, controversial Axanar lawsuit and other topics including Trek’s new adventure in 2017.
“I know very little about the direction. I’ve had two meeting with Bryan Fuller and he is still developing the concept and he’s brought the writers together and they’re still developing the concept.” Roddenberry explained to CBS while talking of the new show and it’s production team, giving them high praise for whats ahead. “What I’m excited about is the team that’s been put together by CBS. They’ve brought, of course, Alex Kurtzman, Bryan Fuller and Heather Kadin together and I’ve had the opportunity to meet them.2
The new 2017 team headed by Star Trek movie co producer Alex Kurtzman and veteran writer and Star Trek fan Bryan Fuller also inclused Heather Kadin and the man who is revered for giving Trek a new lease of life, Nicholas Meyed.
“They understand the importance of Star Trek. They understand it’s the 50th anniversary. They’re not out to re-write history. They’re not out to change anything. They understand they need to do their best to keep people happy but also probably make it a little different.” Roddenberry said of crew.
Thorughout the interview Rodddenberry also speaks of his feelings on the controversial Axanar lawsuit and fan films, giving praise to Star Trek Continues and more. Watch the interview above for more!