Every year the Blackpool Illuminations begin with a massive concert to warm up to switching on the lights as the headline, and there was a buzz about adding Trek to the mix. But while Trek fans were asked to vote to include Star Trek in the illuminations, those attending for a bit of a surprise visit from one of Star Trek’s new captains….
Blackpool is the current home of the UK Star Trek Exhibition, a venue which several members of SFC have attended since it’s opening, and as such no one expected there to be more than a nod to the Golden Mile exhibit. But when the lights turned out the the big switch on, headline act Diversity had to call the 23rd century for help.
The moment was captured by YouTube user Joanne Lewis (above)
Appearing on screen to aid Diversity, Jason Isaacs in his Captain Lorca uniform helped to make the night one to remember for Star Trek fans!
In just over a month we’ll be charting a new course of Discovery as the next Chapter of Star Trek begins with an all new cast and all new future as Sonequa Martin-Green leads the crew as Commander Burnham alongside Jcason Isaacs (captain Lorca), Doug Jones (Lt Commander Saru), Michelle Yeoh (Captain Georgiou) and many more from Starfleet, The Federation and the Klingon Empire!
The first new Star Trek television show since Enterprise launched sixteen years ago, Discovery promises a high budget look at the struggle for peace in the 23rd century with a new style of story telling leading the way for the optimistic landscape of the Star Trek universe.
To celebrate it’s arrival, Starfleet Command welcomes you all to join us in the launch of the new show as we host fleet wide and local launch nights; post our ‘first reaction’ issue of our quarterly magazine Comms and much more including member-exclusive items including specially designed Discovery launch patches.
We also have all the latest news and info as wlel as more discussion in our private fleet-wide access groups and more planned across the fleet and units. Join us in our celebrations as we begin the month-long countdown to Discovery!
Membership to SFC Quadrant 2 is open to all and since there’s no money in the future, joining our fleet is completely free! Click here to find out more and sign up today!
Discovery launches on September 24th in the US and will join us the very next day, launching in the UK and Europe on September 25th through Netflix!