It’s that time of year again where the Captains of Star Trek Online take a break from the big chair to spend some R&R on Risa!
Every year STO brings a month of fun and games on the pleasure planet with a chance to unlock unique costumes, pets and earn a new Tier 6 ship, and this year the Deep Space Nine anniversary celebrations are bringing Sisko’s favourite passtime to the forefront.
This years rewards include:
- Baseball Uniforms: Based on the DS9 episode ‘Take Me Out to the Holosuite’, including the Niners, Vulcan Logicians and two new teams; the Ferengi Liquidators and Caitan Claws.
- Powerboards: All new designs based matching the baseball theme.
- New Food Items: Well, we can’t have baseball without hot dog, can we?
- KitModules: Career specific modules based on the Risian terraforming technology
- And much more!
Among the festivities, Captains can also take part in the Floater Challenge; a race around Risa’s skylines to earn Lohlanut Prize Voucers. These voucers can be collected and exchanged for the new event rewards, the Vorgon Tyjara Dreadnought Cruiser.
The unique Summer event Tier 6 Ship comes with a sturdy hull, unique mastery abilities, and a hanger filled with Vorgon Echentis Frigates and most importantly; a free tier 6 ship is always a bonus to have!
Unlike last years gap, this year the Summer event is available on both console and PC simultaneously and will launch on all platforms on July 3rd.
You can find out more details on the prizes and the event from
The Summer edition of Comms will have a full breakdown and review of the Summer event as well as a close look at the Victory is Life Expansion. Victory is Life is available now to PC players and will launch on XBox One and PS4 on July 24th.
About the author
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA
Creator of things, writer of words, caffeine addict. Director of Communications for Starfleet Command Quadrant 2.
Fleet Support Recruitment: Alpha Quarter 2025
Following SFC's 50th anniversary, and looking ahead to whats to come in 2025 and beyond, we've been working on bolstering our fleet-wide operational support and opening the floor for officers to take a larger role in our operations. As part of our redefining our Fleet Support department, five roles were opened up to give more room for members to contribute beyond their unit and help shape the next generation of the club. Our first recruitment event saw two members brought on board to the Fleet Support panel and as we race through our first quarter of the year, we have the final three roles ready for recruitment! FLEET SUPPORT SFCQ2's Fleet Support division has been designed to aid and supplement membership opportunities and solidify a helpful, informative and supportive structure. Each role acts as a secondment to allow members to […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA February 16, 2025
For The Uniform: The Muted Tones of The Motion Picture
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ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA February 7, 2025
A Fistful of Star Trek Online’s Best Bits!
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ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA February 4, 2025
Upcoming Away Missions in Glasgow & Edinburgh for the Tesla!
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ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA January 30, 2025
Across The Universe! Black Ops Missions & Lifetime Achievements!
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ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA January 28, 2025
Boldly Going Nowhere: Section 31 Quick Review
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ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA January 26, 2025
Welcome to the Future! Star Trek Online Launches the Far From Home Lockbox Set
Continuing the recent updates to the game, Star Trek Online are adding more elements introduced in Discovery's third season from the 32nd Century following their debut of the Janeway Class and Book's trusty freighter among others. And of course, this is the ship a lot of players have been waiting for as STO is not only adding 32nd century uniforms and tools to their ever expanding content, but the one of a kind refit (on screen, at least!) Crossfield class is making it's way as the main event for the games latest lockbox.
SFCQ2 Comms May 21, 2021
Star Trek Online Launches the Discovery-Style Constitution
In all the Star Trek franchise there is no ship more iconic, more storied and more loved than the Enterprise. Repackaged and redesigned for a new era, the Enterprise was both a new and familiar sight when it arrived in Discovery's season one cliffhanger and since it arrived, Star Trek Online players have been chomping at the bit to find out when they could get hold of the new ship to lead their campaign. As someone we have trouble seeing once said, the time is now. Launching last week the all new Discovery Enterprise model was up for grabs as a premium grab in Star Trek Online. Dubbed a Miracle Worker Flight Deck Cruiser, the ship was initially supposed to launch in game earlier this year until the team pushed it back to see how the Enterprise fared on screen […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA June 26, 2019
Star Trek Online 101: Research & Develpment (Comms)
R&D, or crafting as it is more commonly referred too, is perhaps one the most under used and least understood aspects of the game. During a conversation with a number of players recently I asked the question how many actually used the crafting system, and none of those that were present used it all. When I asked why, the replies I received ranged from don’t understand it to why bother when you can buy items from the exchange. I have to admit that before I got my head around crafting I used to spend a lot of time and EC (energy credits) buying various items that I needed for my characters. The two main issues that I have with crafting system is that below level 15, there is not really all the much worth crafting and getting up to level […]
Officer Zero February 26, 2019
Age of Discovery: A New Era of Content Delivery from Star Trek Online (Comms Highlights)
Ever since the introduction of Star Trek Discovery, players of Star Trek Online were eager to see the show's content drop into the game so they could immerse themselves in the new vision of the 23rd century. Despite the general thought that such updates would be a while away, the STO team surprised their user base with an announcement that, despite a pretty hefty recent release of DS9 anniversary content, they were ready to take us to the Age of Discovery. Up until this point offerings of Discovery content were limited. Welcome of course, but still limited. Celebrating the launch of the series, players were able to grab new uniforms late last year matching the Discovery style and soon after a lockbox set was released including the Crossfield class – complete with Spore tech – and for the Klingons, T'Kuvma's […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA February 6, 2019
Star Trek Online Launches Season 13!
Launching their 13th season, Perfect World's Star Trek Online brings Escalation to the PC! The free to play MMO's 13th season continues the new Tzenkethi War arc with an all new featured episode, combat zones and more! Today, Perfect World Entertainment announced Season 13 – Escalation is now available on PC for their free-to-play MMORPG Star Trek Online. The new season includes a new featured episode continuing the Tzenkethi War story arc, improvements to matchmaking, class-specific set gear, and the new War Games system, which allows players to team up in competitive PvE scenarios. Here is how Perfect World describes the Season 13 storyline: Alongside extensive balance changes to the career specifics and abilities in game, the latest season is focused on players working together with a new 'War Games' system in place, putting teams against each other in special […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA April 26, 2017
Star Trek Online Launches Agents of Yesterday on Console!
Late last year players of Star Trek Online on the original PC version were invited to take part in a special anniversary event, Agents of Yesterday, where the player was placed back in the 23rd century to find themselves caught up in the ongoing Temporal Cold War. As part of STO's anniversay celebrations, the Agents of Yesterday expansion is now available on XBox One and PS4 as Agents is released onto console. Players can create a new 23rd century character and immerse themselves in the events of the Original Series featuring the voice of original series star Walter Koenig; Star Trek Continues, and son of the original Mr Scott, Chris Doohan; DS9's Chase Masterson as mirror universe Admiral Leeta and Matt Winston reprising his role as Enterprise's Agent Daniels. Agents of Yesterday is packed with unique story missions, special rewards […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA February 15, 2017