As we enter a new year and continue the renaissance of Star Trek with the launch of Discovery Season 2, we’re taking a look at our hopes and expectations for the return of Burnham and her shipmates; studying the new Captain and looking at what else we can expect from the new world of Star Trek.
We also review Discovery’s first season launch on home release, detailing the special features and extra content – and members can win their own copy in this issues competition thanks to Sovereigns generous Captain Langstaff!
This issue takes a trip back through 2018, looking back at Q2’s growth throughout the year as we recap the best moments and highlights from our busiest year since restructuring the organisation and detailing plans and expectations for the year ahead.
The Discovery More Edition Also Includes:
- ON SCREEN: A look at the best of geeky TV & film including the trippy Maniac series; choose your own adventure in Bandersnatch; the new era of Doctor Who; New series of Gotham & The OA; Film Reviews including Into the Spider-verse & Aquaman and loads more!
- STAR TREK ONLINE: Ahead of the next big update for Star Trek Online, we review the new Age of Discovery extension and it’s offerings, while Douglas Langstaff gives a full breakdown of how to best use the games crafting system in his latest Tips & Tricks for the game!
- FEATURES: We continue the For the Uniform costume feature, looking at the styles of the original film series; profile Worf and Dax in Character Spotlight and Way of The Warrior in our Retro Review; look at the Five Most Shocking moments in Star Trek and in tribute to Stan Lee, look back at the time our former DOPS met ‘The Man’.
- COMPETITION!: As we review the new release of Star Trek Discovery Season 1 on DVD & Bluray and take a close look at the bonus content in the set, members have the chance to win their own copy – The competition is for a DVD Box Set of the new series and all you have to do is answer one simple question for your chance to win!
The Discover More 2018 Edition of Comms is available to all logged in registered members at To join SFC Quadrant 2 and gain access to Comms and all other members benefits, signing up is quick and easy and membership is completely free! Enlist Today!