Joining SFC can sometimes be a whirlwind as you’ll be processed by our Administration, passed oer to Academy, introduced to your CO and meet other members through Europa or other means. Sometimes it can be tricky getting to grips with who’s who within the fleet administration. This week we’re shining a spotlight on our HQ staff to introduce the team to new and potential members, or just as a refresher course for those who have been on the sidelines during our fleet wide shakeup over the past few years.
As we Meet The Fleet, we figured we’d start at the top with one of our longest serving members and current Director of Operations.
The Director of Operations has one of the toughest roles within the fleet. Effectively a CEO and Chairman rolled into one, DOPS has the responsibility of overseeing every aspect of the organisation, offering help and support to all who need it, protecting the image and lineage of Quadrant 2 and our long history and ensuring every element of the operation works effectively for the benefit of membership.
Already an unforgiving task, DOPS also handles the rare negative sides of SFC such as complaints and disciplinary actions as well as the positives which can include promoting and supporting new units, approving members commendations and rewards. Nearly every aspect of our fleet lands on the Directors desk making it an extremely demanding an exhausting position.
Thankfully SFC is lucky to have an officer in the role who can not only meet the demands of the position, but who has helped oversee some huge leaps in the current era of Q2 under his leadership.
Coming up to his third year in the role, Admiral Mark itchell became the Director of Operations for SFC in March 2016 after a successful terms as Deputy Director of Operations and as the originator of the Director of Administration role. Over the years Mark has held almost ever role obtainable in SFC including as Commanding Officer and leading Cadets through the Academy; making him one of the most seasoned and experienced members of the fleet.
Outwith his life with the heavy bars on his collar, Mark’s help and support extends beyond our community and into his own. When he’s not dealing with Quadrant 2 matters, Mark stands as Community Marketing Coordinator for Brinnington Big Local, a role which see’s him contribute to, produce and lead community projects that wisely use Lotto funding to boost the community.
For those who have seen Mark discuss his passions and interests, it’d be of no surprise that part of hos community work includes the Adventurers Guild; a group that engages and supports local members of the community to aid in their wellbeing through tabletop gaming. Other voluntary work includes helping to organise local markets and events, hosting Movieland Community Cinemas and with print and design services connected with the community newsletter. And if we typed the rest of what he does in aid of his local community, we’d be typing all day!
With a very busy schedule between Brinnington Big Local and working with the community, we’re incredibly fortunate to have someone as giving and generous as Mark leading SFC’s HQ staff and look forward to exploring the continuing mission of building a new era of SFC under his leadership.
If you’re in Brinnington or the North-East of Stockport, you can follow Mark’s non-SFC ventures and find out how to get involved with the community at: