Discovery and her crew face a new mission, and a whole new future. In the (Alan Van) Spring Edition of Comms, we’re take a deep dive into Season 2 as we recount the highs, the lows and the duct tape in the hunt for the Red Angel! Following the emotional journey’s we not only review the mysteries that unfolded and the battle for control, but check back on the legacy Captain Pike left behind and look ahead to what we might see in Season 3!
Production on Star Trek Picard is now in full swing and we’re taking a look at who is joining Sir Patrick Stewart on his new adventure as we list the latest additions to the cast and pick apart the casting call rumours and more.
Of course, in celebration of the return of Picard and the hints of his Romulan mission, we’re also looking back at some of his best moments that could come into play in the Star Trek: Picard Series. In our regular ‘Bunch of Fives’ we’re picking up the Romulan connection to find the five best Romulan episodes of the franchise, while Retro Review takes a look back at The Next Generations finest hours: The Best of Both Worlds.
The Alan Van Spring Edition Also Includes:
- ON SCREEN: Picking out some of the best to watch on TV including the Umbrella Academy, the OA, Happy! and more including a little known show called Game of Thrones!
- QM Review: It’s the same. But different. Sort of… We review the new look Enterprise from Eaglemoss Collections Discovery Starships line.
- FEATURES: We’re taking For the Uniform to the Kelvin Timeline; profiling Ro Laren and talking about time travel as well as recapping the Fleets Favourite Films with the Churchill CO.
- COMPETITION!: This issue you can win yourself a snazzy QMX Klingon Pin by answering a very simple question! Or take part in a creative challenge for another prize!
And of course a whole lot more!
The Alan Van Spring Edition of Comms is available to all logged in registered members at To join SFC Quadrant 2 and gain access to Comms and all other members benefits, signing up is quick and easy and membership is completely free! Enlist Today!