The only official Star Trek convention in the UK is back in just a matter of days as the NEC once again hosts the stars of Trek at the NEC in Birmingham for Destination Star Trek!
Licensed by CBS, DST has become the biggest event on the UK Trek calendar with special guests, panels, prop displays and a whole lot more.
This years event has more than a few big names to meet including recently announced Patrick Stewart and Picard/Next Generation c-star Brent Spiner; the new Enterprise crew, Ethan Peck and Anson Mount; Discovery stars Anthony Rapp & Wilson Cruz and many more from all eras of Trek including Michelle Forbes, Denise Crosby, David Warner, JG Hertler & Alive Eve just to name a few!
Several guests will be taking the stage to talk Trek and answer fan questions throughout the three-day event with both paid panels as well as free panels running throughout the venue.
Aside from guests this years set up also includes a gaming zone, green screen photo shoots, the Trek costume and prop gallery and after making it’s debut in Las Vegas, the Picard: First Duty exhibition.
DST kicks off on Friday 25th October and will run through Sunday 27th at the NEC in Birmingham. Tickets for the event, panels and autographs are on sale now – for tickets and more information, you can visit

If you’ve been following SFC, curious about joining or are a member already, you can meet the fleet in the Fan Zone! This year SFC will be in action as both a meeting and information point within the Fan Zone of the event.
While waiting for a panel to start, or between photo shoots and activities, you’re more than welcome to drop by and find out more about SFC, what we do and our plans for the year ahead in a team led by our newest Captain, Justine Torrance!
Recently forming the Invictus in the North East, Justine has been a welcoming face for many in her previous role on the Sovereign and is ready to welcome more and talk Trek with fans throughout the event!
We’d like to say a huge thanks to Justine for taking point in representing you continuing mission, and a massive thanks to Zoe at DST for welcoming us to the event!
If you’re heading along to the event this year and not sure what to expect, you can read all about last years event in our Discover More Edition of Comms from January this year which includes a review of last years huge event!