
Fleet Alert From the Director of Fleet Operations

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Attention All Hands – Urgent Message from DOPS:

In this difficult time, I know that many of us have had to self-isolate, or are already restricted with health or mobility issues, so I would like to call upon Unit Commanding Officers and Senior Staff to endeavour to make sure we at least attempt to offer our members something to distract them from the ever-growing situation we find ourselves in.

And to our other ranks, our members who are the lifeblood of the Fleet – I urge you to get involved any way you can: discuss, chat, engage with us all, let’s get through this together with the bare minimum casualties.

Talk to your Commanding Officer about activities you can assist in, take part in or suggest.

Let’s prove that it takes more than a pandemic to slow the Home Fleet Down…

DOPS out.

Admiral Mark Mitchell
Director of Fleet Operations
Starfleet Command: Quadrant 2

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Serving the fan community since 1974, SFC is an international not for profit fan organisation bringing together collective of fans collectively enjoying strange new worlds in science fiction media.

Star Trek and all related, derived or inferred ideas are the intellectual property of Paramount and Paramount Global. No infringement is intended in the use of this material. Starfleet Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2) does not generate any income or profit from their endeavours as a fan organisation, no part of which is sanctioned by the Paramount Global group or any sub-division of the legitimate copyright holders.

Core Website layout by Ghostpool. Managed and Maintained by Aim to Misbehave on behalf of Starfleet Command  Quadrant 2

© 2401 Starfleet  Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2)

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