
First Look at Star Trek Discovery Season 4

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While we still recover from the third season of Discovery which wrapped up earlier this year with the Discovery crew warping out into the unknown as the face of 32nd Century Starfleet, Paramount+ – the new name from the now rebranded CBS: All Access – has given us a sneak peek at what’s to come in the crews next adventure.

The third season of Discovery was, as the show theme often is, about self discovery. Thrown into the future to protect the precious and mysterious Sphere Data, Discovery’s crew left everything they knew behind only to find out in 900 years, everything they knew were now the strange new worlds they were exploring. As the show followed the personal challenges of the crews adjustment to a 32nd Century Starfleet, offering a small glimmer of hope to a Federation that had been crippled by a devastating galactic event, Burnham and the crew were determined to fly the flag and bring back Starfleet Optimism to the galaxy once again.

In Season three, it looks like they’ll need as much of that hope as they can muster. Encountering a mysterious threat like nothing ever encountered before, Discovery must work together and bring both Starfleet and it’s fractured allies back together in order to find out how to overcome what could be another devastating blow to the galaxy at large.

The above teaser can be viewed in much higher resolution as <a href=””>Star Trek’s official website</a>.

While not giving too much away, the teaser for Season 4 has highlighted something Executive Producer, and current leader of the Star Trek franchise, Alex Kurtzman had alluded to in January.

“We’re diving deep into science in the fourth season, in a kind of new and interesting way.” He explained in an interview with Deadline, “There have been many kinds of villains over the course of Star Trek. What happens when the villain is not actually any kind of living, breathing entity, but something else? How do you solve that problem?”

Considering how The Burn was solved, this does sound like they’re diving into V’Ger territory for the next round. However, we’ll have to wait and see!

Discovery’s fourth season began filming late last year under strict COVID measures with the aim of a very late 2021 release or early 2022.

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