One of the Trek projects in production that we know the least about is the upcoming Nickelodeon show, Star Trek Prodigy. Having already announced that Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role as Captain Janeway, and showing off character artwork for the core team; the one thing everyone wanted to know was how the Captain fit into the world Prodigy was set in.
One of the Trek projects in production that we know the least about is the upcoming Nickelodeon show, Star Trek Prodigy. Having already announced that Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role as Captain Janeway, and showing off character artwork for the core team; the one thing everyone wanted to know was how the Captain fit into the world Prodigy was set in.
Focusing on a group of youngsters who find a derelict Starfleet ship, the team have to learn to work together as they navigate through the galaxy, figure out how this new home of theirs works and slowly discovery the ideals of Starfleet and how they can build a better future.
Developed by Kevin and Dan Hageman, who’s previous work includes Trollhunters and Ninjago, Prodigy is the first Star Trek show to be developed specifically for younger audiences with Alex Kurtzman previously comparing it to a gateway for young fans to grow and be introduced to the wider Star Trek world.
While we don’t know much about the group just yet, we do know one of the shows stars very well. Kate Mulgrew was Star Trek’s first female captain and led the crew of the USS Voyager after they were lost in the Delta Quadrant. As previously speculated in a recent issue of Comms, this won’t quite be the Janeway we remember, but a Command Training Progam that will help and guide the motley crew as they navigate their journey through another familiar land – The Delta Quadrant.
Aside from revealing an updated synopsis and how Janeway fits into the show, the Hageman’s also used First Contact Day to reveal that it’s set in 2383, five years after Voyager returned home. This was the same year that two deep space research ships sent to help Voyager were supposed to rendezvous for aid according to the Voyager episode Lifeline. That may explain where this derelict ship came from, or it may have found it’s way to the Delta Quadrant in another incident. But it’ll be fun finding out and what kind of ship this animated series will present us with after meeting the intentionally clunky Cerritos on Lower Decks and the super-sleek Voyager-J in Discovery.
Unlike Lower Decks and Discovery, there was no date given for Prodigy other than 2021. The show will launch on Paramount+ in the US and move to Nickelodeon straight after it’s first run. International release has not yet been announced.
Our latest issue of Comms take a quick look at Prodigy in our Universe round up and talks in depth – and we mean in depth! – about Discovery’s Third Season with episodic reviews, an overall season analysis and special featuring including a look at the 32nd century tech, the Crossfield Class, Tilly’s Journey, Georgiou’s exit and more! Comms is available as part of SFCQ2’s free membership! To find out more visit our Comms preview or Enlist Today!