
A Fistful of Q’s Best Moments!

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In just a handful of episodes across three series so far, Q has become a bit of an iconic character since first being encountered at Farpoint where he put humanity on trial for being a barbaric and flawed species.

Since then he’s revisited the Enterprise, shattered the Continuum by having it’s first child since the dawn of existence, tried to mate with Captain Janeway and generally became both a friend and foe to Starfleet across three quadrants.

Now that he’s back to meet up with Captain Picard once again in the second season of Star Trek: Picard, we’re taking the time to look back at some of Q’s best moments in the Star Trek Universe so far….

“I gave you something most mortals never experience: a second chance at life. And now all you can do is complain?”
Tapestry, The Next Generation (1993)

Since his introduction to the Star Trek Universe, Q has always been seen as a villain. But in reality, he’s anything but. Sure, when we first met him The Next Generation was born out of an old school idea of the omnipotent being who would be outsmarted by good old fashioned humanity. And in his first return after that introduction, he’d hold up that villainy.

Over time, however, we’d learn who he really was. And that was, in a strange way, a friend to Jean Luc Picard.

The most obvious point we’d seen that was in Tapestry; an episode that saw Picard die on the operating table after his artificial heart – implanted after being stabbed through the chest by a Nausican in a bar room brawl – malfunctioned. As soon as that mortal coil was shuffled, Q popped in to say hello and give Picard a chance to change his own past. To stop that incident and never have an artificial heart implanted, thus saving his current self.

Of course, it was neither really about a trip down memory lane or a chance at saving himself. It was all about shedding Picard of his doubts. Q’s entire motivation was to show Picard how those risks as a youth had shaped him. How mistakes can be learned from. And how playing things too safe can result in a life of regret and missed opportunities.

It wasn’t the first time Q had done Picard, or humanity, a favour. But when he challenged Picard on what he really wanted, it was the most obvious example of showing us who he really was at heart.

“You hit me! Picard never hit me.”
Q-Less, Deep Space Nine (1993)

It’s become a moment that defined the difference between Picard, who talks his way out of problems and tries to be the bigger man, and Sisko, who literally punched those problems in the face. But in an otherwise underwhelming episode, it was a key moment for Q troi realise not everyone’s going to play his game.

Q-Less wasn’t the best episode for the galaxy;s favourite menace, nor the only one to try and tie DS9 into TNG in it’s early days. But in a meme world, it helped define for generations the difference between two legendary Captains with one simple illusion.

“He was right when he said the Continuum scared me back in line. I didn’t have his courage or his convictions. He called me irrepressible. This was a man who was truly irrepressible. I only hope I make a worthy student.”
Death Wish, Star Trek Voyager (1996)

When Q was first introduced in Encounter at Farpoint, he was conceptualised as a one off character. However, we all know how that one off turned out…

Once The Next Generation had completed it’s seven series, moving into more down to earth base concepts as the crew took over the film franchise, it seemed Q’s time was up. Until Voyager stumbled upon another Q, exiled from his Continuum and only wanting one thing when accidentally released; to die.

While not all of Q’s Voyager episodes were great, Death Wish showed us a slightly more serious side. In a quasi-trial episode, Q boarded Voyager to represent the Continuum after the other Q – who’d later adopt the name Quinn – sought asylum on Janeways watch.

Towing the party line, Q fought against giving Quinn his freedom and the mortality he so desperately wanted. But even though he feared going against the rest of the Continuum again, when Quinn won his case – and subsequently took his own life – Q’s mentality changed. Admitting he admired and respected Quinn’s chaos which would inspire him to challenge and change the Continuum for the better.

“My life as a human being has been a dismal failure. Perhaps my death will have a little dignity.”
Deja Q, The Nest Generation (1990)

Before facing Quinn’s mortality, Q himself had experienced what it’s like to face the idea of being human. After causing just enough trouble for the Continuum to get a little bit bored of Q, they kicked him out. In a moment of madness he chose a human body as his vessel and, instead of being thrown into the wild where everyone he’d tormented could find him, he banked on human kindness and sought asylum on the Enterprise.

Deja Q has some brilliant Q moments and one liners, from his trying to rationalise the concept of sleep to a punchy exchange with Worf and Picard early on. Even the iconic moment he gets his powers back and celebrated on the bridge is well remembered.

Though the best moment for Q here had to be his willingness to sacrifice himself to save the Enterprise from falling into the crossfire of aliens getting payback on him. Mostly as thanks to Data, the only person to show him genuine kindness while in exile.

Our latest issue of Comms talks in depth – and we mean in depth! – about Discovery’s Third Season with episodic reviews, an overall season analysis and special featuring including a look at the 32nd century tech, the Crossfield Class, Tilly’s Journey, Georgiou’s exit and more! Comms is available as part of SFCQ2’s free membership! To find out more visit our Comms preview or Enlist Today!

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