Today the crew of the Tesla are having a quiet catch up to start their year as planning is underway for more events to attend in 2024. However their next Away Mission is a little bit more public as the team are kicking off the event year at another of Scotland’s most popular events: Capital Sci Fi!
For several years now Capital Sci Fi has been a key part of the convention scene in Scotland and one of the highlights of the calendar year. Hosted in Edinburgh, Capital has seen stars from all over sci fi and fantasy in attendance in support of Childrens Hospice Across Scotland.
This year one of the key guests is Star Trek Discovery star David Ajala. Having previously had guest roles in Black Mirror and Doctor Who, as well as multiple British dramas including Death in Paradisse and Law & Order UK, Ajala joined Discovery’s primary cast for it’s third season as the renegade smuggler, and eventual love interest of Captain Burnham, Book; a character who was key in the fourth season and will continue into the final later this year.
The event will also feature the highly popular Paul McGann, known in sci fi circles as the Eight actor to pick up the lead in Doctor Who who’s another British acting icon with roles from Withnail & I to Hornblower, ad many more including Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s Joseph Marcell!
Aside from being a gathering of geeks with guests and attractions, Capital Sci Fi’s links to CHAS – including it’s organising committee being run by staff and volunteers – the charity-focused events have helped support CHAS’s mission to offering support for children and their families with life shortening conditions.
Since launching in 2016, Capital has not only grown in scale and scope, but has raised over £370,000 as of their last event in 2023 and have no plans to slow down in their support.
Capital has always been a special event as one of the first to have Tesla members together in the formation of the group, and one our DoFA would regularly assist his wife, and Klingon Ambassador, in trading at.
It’s a great way for Captain Fraz and the team to kick off the year, and we’re giving away no spoilers, but there may be some extra special surprises for the crew!
You can find the team in attendance over the weekend of February 17th & 18th at the O2 Academy in Edinburgh. You can find out more and purchase tickets at the Capital Sci Fi website, or visit CHAS for more information on their work.
[Update 24/01: Tesla have confirmed they will once again be attending as guests and will have a tabled set up to meet the crew and check outt heir collection of Trek and SFC goodies! We’ll add table position to our Facebook page closer to the event!]
While their full years schedule is still to be confirmed, Tesla have become welcome guests and regulars at several popular events including BGCP and the newly formed, yet mighty impressive ACME at Glasgow’s famed SEC. If you ever want to learn more about Tesla, Q2 or just talk Trek, keep an eye on our calendars for more appearances and events through the year!