Returning once again to Dundee, the crew of the USS Tesla are all set for their next away mission thanks to Acme Comic Con! Having been part of several Acme events since the events brand launched, Tesla took part in their first Dundee event last year and are set to make a return this June!
Originating with anime event Rai-Con based out of Glasgow City Centre, ACME came together as a larger combined brand in the wake of MCM puling back on UK events and the complete shut down of events during COVID lockdown. Having seen the popularity of conventions in Glasgow, ACME took on the challenging task of hosting a large scale at the legendary SEC in 2022 and in one weekend proved a worthy successor.
Since then Acme has continued strong with it’s flagship event continuing for a third year running as well as splinter events including the continuation of Rai Con and the expansion to Dundee Comic Con last year.
Having recently landing at Acme’s flagship event in Glasgow, The Tesla crew are already preparing for the Dundee event being held as the Dundee International Sports Centre. Fraz and the crew will be there to talk Trek old and how, showcase some home made and customised prop replica’s and if you’re lucky, discuss at length the pro’s and con’s on wearing a TNG era skant.
Aside from giving Tesla an excuse for a get together, Acme will be hosting a variety of other attractions including the C3 Cosplay Championship Qualifiers ahead of the final in Glasgow this Autumn, geeky goodies from local artists and traders and their now iconic collection of display pieces for phgoto opportunities as well as other fandoms coming together to celebrate in geeky pride!
Guests so far for the event include Still Game’s Gavin Mitchell – or Boaby the Barman as he’s inevitably known as now!; James MacKenzie of CBBC series Raven and veteran voice actor Marc Silk. Guest announcements as well as autograph and photo opportunity tickets are available direct from Acme’s website which also includes full travel information and more including accessibility options for the event.
ACME’s Dundee Comic Con takes place on Saturday June 15th. For more information check out ACME’s Facebook Feed or official website.
If you’re attending the event and want to know more about SFC or the Tesla, feel free to say hi to any of the Tesla team! Membership is always open and members are always welcome to take part in Tesla’s non-event meetups including their July away team in Edinburgh!