
Paul Giamatti joins Holly Hunter for Starfleet Academy!

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Looking ahead to the next generation of Star Trek shows, Paramount and Secret Hideout have already began announcing new cast members to lead the Starfleet Academy series coming to the streaming platform in the near future.

Based in the 32nd century following Discovery, Starfleet Academy will focus on a group of cadets coming together to rekindle the academy spirit and find hope in a world still recovering from The Burn. Following in the spirit of Discovery’s mission to bring hope to a slowly restored Federation, Academy will bring everything back to Earth to rebuild the long-lost Academy.

News of the show has already turned heads with notes that the new academy campus will be the largest seen on TV so far, being filmed in Pinewood’;s largest stage in Canada, though in terms of what to fully expect from the young adult drama, things are largely being kept under Red Directive secrecy. However we now at least know who will be leading the new class ahead of the shows production…

Announced first was multiple Oscar winner Holly Hunter as a huge surprise tot he line up. Winning her first Oscar for Broadcast News in 1988, Hunter is a veteran of stage and screen making her film debut in The Burning after trading in Broadway for LA in 1981.

In recent years Hunters career has continued to flourish in a variety of leading roles including 2012’s Jackie, 2003’s Thirteen and as Helen Parr, otherwise known as Elastigirl, in Pixar series The Incredibles. In the world of Television she led detective drama Saving Grace in the title role, recently appeared as a powerful CEO in HBO drama Succession and more recently starred alongside Den Danson for two seasons of Tina Fey production Mr Mayor.

Hunter’s latest project, Hurricana, see’s her star as the therapist of Anna Nicole Smith in her final days though soon enough we’ll see her join the world of Starfleet as part of Academy!

Last month Paramount+ released the news that Holly Hunter will be leading the cast as the new Starfleet Academy Chancellor helping to build the facility back up in the 32nd century following the events of the Burn.

Heralded by producer Alex Kurtzman, his statement read “To have her extraordinary authenticity, fearlessness, sense of humour and across the board brilliance leading her charge on Starfleet Academy is a gift to all of us.”

Joining Hunter in the new San Fransisco campus is the instantly recognisable Paul Giamatti. In film Giamatti’s breakout role came in 2004’s Sideways, which not only highlighted the actors charm and talents, but earned him his first of six big award nominations. In film, Giamatti had several small parts since the early 90’s before breaking through alongside Howard Stern in a film depicting the latters rise to fame, and again in another biopic where he portrayed writer and comedian Bob Zmuda alongside Jim Carey as Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon.

After a number of supporting roles, Giamatti took he lead in 2003’s American Splendor before gaining mainstream attention – and a golden globe nomination, the following year with comedy Sideways. Since then his star has risen further having prominent roles in films such as 12 Years a Slave and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, to going back to theatre, animation and starring roles in TV – including starring as Chuck Rhoades in Billions for all seven seasons.

While not part of the regular cast, Giamatti has been announced as a recurring character on the new show and the seasons villain. In the past Giamatti had joked about wanting to be a Klingon and, while the 322ndd century might give scope for the new character to come with some ridges, no information has been revealed – other than some nice casting for the bad guy!

Currently in pre production, Academy is set to start filming this Summer with the first two parter kick off episodes being directed by Alex Kurtzman. Tau and Tom Swift writer Noga Landau will co-run the show alongside Kurtzman while Gaia Violo is credited as writer on the first episodes.

It’s expected, though far confirmed, that the show will launch in 2026. Until then we still have plenty of Star Trek to keep us going following the closure of Discovery as Lower Decks final season is expected next year with Strange New Worlds third season to launch next year.

Star Trek Prodigy is also available on Netflix from July 1st while all other series is exclusive to Paramount+.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”12350″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Our latest issue of Comms takes a look at the last year of Star Trek, sci fi, superheropes and more!! With the usual features including What If, Fistful Of Data and more, the “All Good Things” issue of Comms is available as part of SFCQ2’s free membership! To find out more visit our Comms preview or Enlist Today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1618165085813{background-image: url( !important;}”][vc_column_inner][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”cs-hub-notices”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”gp-standard-sidebar”][news widget_title=”On Screen” post_association=”disabled” size=”blog-small-size” per_page=”3″ image_width=”80″ image_height=”60″ excerpt_length=”0″ cats=”402″][vc_column_text]▷ MORE[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”15px”][news widget_title=”Fleet Alert!” post_association=”disabled” size=”blog-small-size” per_page=”3″ image_width=”80″ image_height=”60″ excerpt_length=”0″ cats=”1″][vc_column_text]▷ MORE[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”15px”][news widget_title=”Features” post_association=”disabled” size=”blog-small-size” per_page=”3″ image_width=”80″ image_height=”60″ excerpt_length=”0″ cats=”444″][vc_column_text]▷ MORE[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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