
[Ships of the Line] The Oberth Class

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One of the more unique and memorable ships to emerge from nearly sixty years of Star Trek is the Oberth Class. One of many new models introduced during the original series movie era, the Oberth class first appeared as the Grissom, an ill-fated science ship assigned to study the newly formed Genesis planet only for the crew to find themselves on the wrong side of a Klingon torpedo.

Unveiled in The Search for Spock, the Grissom was one of several new designed made for the film and, officially, only the fourth Federation starship design seen on screen. Like many designs from the era of practical effects, the Oberth class model would be re-used over the years giving the class a longevity mirroring the Excelsior and Miranda class ships.

In terms of layout the Oberth class is typical of Federation design, but in some ways rather peculiar for the era is was designed in.

The primary hull is a blocky section built around an inner saucer with the usual bridge on top and screw below layout. Spanning only four decks at it’s deepest point, it’s a cramped fit for a ship containing up to eighty officers and crew; especially with the rear section hosting science labs and the fore a shuttle bay with just enough room for two full scale shuttles.

Built into the read of the primary hull are two nacelles and an impulse drive fed from the engineering section below. Engineering itself, including the warp and computer cores, were held in the underslung secondary hull connected through two reinforced pylons. Accessible only through turbolifts and zero gravity Jeffries tubes, the bulk of the ships scientific sections were held in the engineering section between the forward deflected and inner code.

Two thirds of the elongated secondary hull would host massive sensor arrays, storage and more including self-repair access. While the initial models were designed with just phaser arrays as defensive weapons, later models including those used in the 24th century would have their probe launches converted into torpedo capable weapons systems.

Internally the ship was fairly typical in design, though streamlined to make the best use of the ships limited internal volume. Research labs were kept to a minimum in order to maximise space and even main engineering was a touch cramped. Some models were adapted to have larger and more spacious crew areas, however on nearly all even the bridge module was kept to a minimum and could be adapted and replaced with the latest streamlined bridge type.

Due to it’s small size the Oberth Class was relatively quick and easy to produce in bulk which attributed to the class being used for various purposes well into the 24th century. Designed as a scientific research ship, the class was often used for short term or research specific missions such as the Grissom being deployed for a planetary survey of the newly formed Genesis.

Oberth Class ships would later also be used for transport and experimental reasons. One ship build in the mid 24th century, the USS Pegasus was a controversial and illegal, test ship for a new Federation designed interphasic cloaking device. During this period where new Oberth ships were being deployed with upgraded components, older models were traded off to civilian research missions such as the SS Vigo.

Even with new designs and technologies being developed, the style and structure of the Oberth remained popular. In spite of the Nova and Rhode Island class intending to replace the older model, the light duties of Oberth class ships would keep them in service well into the late 24th century.

In the real world, the ship was a collaborative design process with ILM’s David Carson and Nilo Rodis drafting sketches that were built and expanded upon by model makers Bill George and Steve Gawley before approval by producer Harve Bennet and Leonard Nimoy, director.

Within Quadrant 2, the Oberth Class is seen as a small but reliable base for a newly formed or growing science unit. It’s unique and long lasting design has long been adopted into our repository of available ships for both new and existing units offering an impressive new and modern starship into the ranks of the home fleet!

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