Over the past few years there have been many ‘Beta Canon’ ships to have entered the Star Trek Universe from the Odyssey Class Enterprise-E making it’s transition from Star Trek Online to Picard’s final season to the Luna-Class USS Titan which appeared on Lower Decks long after the ship was designed for the novel-continuation of the franchise following Nemesis in 2023.
One ship yet to make the jump to the ‘Prime’ Universe is the base of the USS Aventine, the hero ship in a series of novels that began with Ezri Dax ascending to Captain of a radical experimental science vessel.
First ready for launch in 2380 after along development process, the Vesta Class was a line of starships developed to test experimental and often top secret Starfleet Technologies. Though each would be utilised to test different new ideas, the one feature they shared was an experimental Quantum Slipstream drive developed from reports and sensor data taken from the USS Voyager upon it’s return home, as well as the remnants of Borg ships across the quadrant.
Witha research capacity not seen for over a century, the Vesta Class was also used as a test bed for temporal-enhanced abilities including a chronic integrator mounted to the ships main deflector. When in Slipstream, the device would allow the sensors to scan ahead not just in distance, but in time to help navigate at extreme warp velocities.
Other experimental systems included trasnsphasic torpedoes and a multidimensional wave function analysis system that would enhance shield abilities as well as reverse a wormhole effect. The entire design of the ship was built to withstand the speed and power it was capable of with a slimline elongated primary hull replacing the more traditional bulk.
Built as a multi-purpose explorer, the Vesta was not just a flying experimental hub. Early models were used as a defensive deterrent due to the state of the art tactical systems and large launch bays which could hold a wing of shuttlecraft as well as Runabouts as standard.
Vesta’s adaptability led to several enhancements and variants on the original model. Successful experiments on the USS Aventine led to a design evolution through a sub-class named for the leading Ship. The Aventine sub-class was built with a sharper forward hull to mazimise the slipstream drive as well as standard warp bubble while the Rademaker sub-class was given a bulkier forward hull that allowed for more research facilities due to it’s extended internal volume.
Designed by digital artist Mark Rademaker, who has contributed tot he Ships of the Line Calendar series since 2008, the Vesta Class was first seen in the 2010 calendar following the ship featuring in 2008’s Star Trek Destiny Line by David Mack.
The Vesta Class was expanded upon in Star Trek Online with several variants as well as the original style based upon concept art by Rademaker. The starship class was one of the first non-canon ships to be included in Q2’s available ship roster alongside the Luna and Odyssey Classes.