One of the most respected and well known voices of the Next Generation era, Jeri Taylor started her Star Trek career with the Next Generation, but solidified her production legacy as one of the creators behind Star Trek Voyager.
Making her mark in the world of television, Taylor’s pre-Trek career was a little more grounded. Through the 80’s Taylor moved from writing to productio with classic drama’s including Magnum PI, Blue Thunder and murder mystery series Quincy ME. Though she dabbled beyond the genre, including writing an episode of the Incredible Hulk, Taylor would move into the Star Trek universe on the recommendation of fellow Quincy writer, and Next Generation producer, Lee Sheldon, who had been tasked with expanding the themes of TNG and wanted to bring on board a versatile writer with experience beyond science fiction.
Following the submission of her first script, Suddenly Human, Taylor was brought on board full time as supervising producer.
Her contributions in the Next Generation era included some of the series finest episodes, the standout being procedural drama The Drumhead focused on a retired Admiral leading an investigation to find a traitor in the ranks of the Enterprise. Other contributions included Riker romance The Outcast and being charged with several well regarded stories including penning the script for The Wounded, focusing on O’Briens past traumas with the Cardassians ahead of his jump to DS9.
Even in working briefly on Deep Space Nine, Taylor’s talents for mystery and drama were a perfect fit for all three of her episodes; one two parter introducer the Maquis, and Homecoming giving Kira the spotlight as she chases down a Bajoran legend in a secret Cardassian prison camp.
Already an executive producer for the final season of the Next Generation, Taylor took over as lead showrunner in the final season which led to her next adventure: creating a whole new show to replace the TNG crew.
In various interviews and panels over the years, Taylor would play down her role in Star Trek, particularly within the creation of Voyager as in her opinion the should would have happened if she was par tof the process or not, but her modesty is often countered by the many people she worked with on the show; lead actor Kate Mulgrew in particular who has held her in high regard for the efforts to make Janeway a powerful voice and leader.
Leading the show behind the scenes, Taylor’s mark would be felt by the whole team focusing on expanding the depth of characters throughout her four years as executive producer. Retiring from production she’d continue to write and take part as creative consultant until the shows final season.
Having become a popular addition to talks and panels since her departutre from television, Taylor sadly passed away on October 24th with the entire Star Trek Universe paying tribute.
“She was a great writer and showrunner and, to me, a cherished mentor.” Brannon Braga reflected in a statement following Taylor’s passing, “Jeri was generous with her wisdom and her time, she nurtured an entire staff of young writers which is a testament to her patience. I would not have a career without Jeri’s intricate guidance. She taught us all so much.”
Taylor’s final project was as part of the To The Journey documentary, focusing on the story and legacy of Star Trek Voyager. For more information is available on the projects website.