As everyone knows, the name for Lower Decks came from a TNG episode where the focus shifted from the command crew towards low-priority ensigns. SO of course Lower Decks, a show initially about four low priority ensigns, turns it all around to focus on it’s supporting cast; the Upper Decks.
This is an odd episode that see’s a lot going on, but also feels like nothing of note really happens. It’s basically a day in the life of the command crew that makes the job seem more chaotic than the low level tasks of the Lower Deckers while making fun of the idea that only the important command crew have all the fun.
Shax is the standout for odd reasons. It’s a passing joke by the end that hje’s going through his daily routine of suppressing his inner demons as he mentally rehashes his time during the occupation, but despite it all being played for laughs his story sdoes show hints of a dramatic and sombre background. The reminder that he shares a similar history to Kira Nerys, and that he is technically the most fascinating when it comes to backgrounds helps shape the character even if time and theme don’t give us the chance to delve into it as much as we’d like to.
Ransom’s part in the episode also stood out to me as another reminder that there’s more to him than the shows let us see so far with even his over the top fixation with himself and keping in prime shape is all just part of a deeper plan to promote bonding within the crew.
There’s a lot to fit in with T’Ana and Freeman getting their own threads, but it all just feels like one last laugh to help calm things down before Lower Decks falls into their usual finale routine.
Padding out the mixed story with some random lore – from a nod to V’Ger thanks to a pumpkin carving to Billups being cut off while explaining rubble falling around the bridge during starship combat – it did feel a little more like the calm before the storm of the season to drop a few laughs before the show finally comes to an end.