One of Starfleet’s most durable designs used in the later half of the 24th century, the Steamrunner is a tough little ship designed for defensive operations against the Borg and has since stood the test of time to still be used and in production decades after it’s initial purpose. A relatively small and efficient design for the era, the Steamrunner may seem a unique design in Starfleet but pulls from several common elements that tie it to predecessors ranging from the Oberth to the Miranda class configurations.
Spanning just 370 meters from bow to stern, covering eleven standard decks, the Steamrunner is a forward heavy ship with nearly all of it’s core systems placed in the ships blocky near oval primary hull. Similar to the 23rd century Magee Class Starship, the nacelles of the ship were embedded in the primary hull with bussard collectors encased at the port and starboard edges leading to extended nacelles running behind the primary hull.
The nacelle configuration not only helped in creating a condensed and efficient warpp field, but also visual cover for the back-facing shuttle and cargo bays placed between. This, combined with it;’s low profile and condensed shape allowing better manoeuvrability, made it an ideal design for defensive patrolling duties throughout the Federation and often the ships would be found backing up the Federations interests in both regular patrols and all out combat.
Similar to the Oberth and California classes, the engineering hull was detached from the rest of the ship, resting at the rear of the nacelles giving the design a somewhat unique look while allowing the engineering section to be jettisoned rapidly in an emergency situation.
Designed in part to help handle the incoming Borg threat, the Steamrunner was an early precursor to what would become the Defiant class. Unlike the Defiant, the Steamrunner had a larger internal mass allowing for a more adaptable configuration to allow usage beyond standard patrols and defensive duties; though with the need to always have backup on call the entire class was retrofitted towards the end of the 24th century to include upgraded cascade shield technology and increased combat capabilities including doubling the torpedo load and increasing phasers to include rapid dual canon fire.
Introduced in First Contact the Steamrunner was one of several ships designed by Industrial Light and Magic’s Alex Jeager. Originally titled the Streamrunner, named after a song from one opf his favourite bands, the ship was a merging of several concept sketches handed over to production. Asked to piece together two separate designs, the ship became more angular than polanned top cut down on production time.
Part of the “First Contact Fleet”, the intent of the ships were to make the Enterprise stand out, so each new addition to Starfleet would retain all the usual elements but ensure to be in a style unlike the traditional configuration used for the Enterprise.
Being introduced as a background ship, the Steamrunner was one of the most intriguing designs that captured the imagination but was only rarely used due to a loss of assets following the production. The design would feature again in the Dominion War scenes in Deep Space Nine as a ‘blockade runner’ and in Voyager’s Relativity where we see it in flashbacks. The original ship, the USS Appalachia, would mark the most recent appearance in the Frontier Day celebrations during Picard’s final season.
The Steamrunner would also appear in the video game world, giving fans their first proper look at the ship thanks to Bethesda’s Star Trek Legacy for Xbox and PC in 2006. The Steamrunner would be better seen in Star Trek Online as a bonus for Steam players before being added to the full roster of ships later on – including a relatively recent remaster to bring it closer to the screen-used model.
Previously used for past unit, Quadrant 2’s most notable Steamrunner-based unit was the USS Northumberland which was decommissioned during a fleet restructure in 2016. The ship-class is still a popular addition to out available ships roster and available for new captains within Q2.