
Engaging 2025: A Fleet Survey!

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Following a landmark year and a new drive to refresh fleet services starting with the website revamp to close the year, we’re in constant review mode to make sure that our systems and services are working for everyone within Q2. Despite January seemingly lasting three times as long as normal this year, we’ve already had a great start with Tesla and Proxima heading into their first away missions of the year, and new opportunities arsing from a temporary change of command on the Churchill and two new members on board the new Fleet Support Group. So we want to make sure that with a great start to the year, we keep that momentum going!

The past few years have been difficult from lockdowns to social changes and other things we wont get into! At times we’ve all felt a little disconnected and a little worn out. Changes in social media needs and habits, as well as an ever divisive and negative online landscape can be draining and trail off the excitement and energy we once embraced. Going forward, we want to make sure our output continues to be positive, accessible and most of all fun.

Ok, so surveys aren’t fun. But we’d like to make sure we’re doing our all for fleet engagement, ensuring our accessibility and output remains relevant to you without leaning to heavy on often unreliable metrics. And so, our first Admirals Blog of the year gives you the stage to  let us hear your feedback, your view and keep us on track for the next adventures…

Engaging 2025 Survey
Our Engaging 2025 survey is a quick series of questions to help us ensure we are making the most out of the online world for our members, whether thats through Q2 directly, our social media channels and finding out how best to serve your membership needs in an ever changing landscape!
* indicates required field

Fleet Activities
What elements or services have you used or participated within through your SFC Membership throughout 2024?

Fleet Communications Network
Towards the end of 2024 we launched a revised website and membership hub to try and simplify the site output and show better focus towards membership functions and needs (more information here).

As part of our 2025 service review, we're taking a look at how we use the wider internet and social media. With an obvious shift in social media usage for various reasons in recent years, we want to ensure we remain inclusive and take on board new ideas to help advance your experience.

From the following, which would you prefer be used for both the wider Q2 and more localised Unit or Group interaction?

Engaging Experiments...
Over the course of 2025 we're considering several new outlets. Some from previous feedback, and some based on centralising resources. Before social media, primarily Facebook, became a popular and accessible host the majority of online discourse was held in a fleet forum. Our recent update revived the forum as Club 47 for comments, updates and resources with optional plans to re-add unit and group specific information and potentially discussion.

With access to platforms including Twitch and Facebook, there has been suggestions to have more visual content such as gaming livestreams and online meets via one of our social or third party apps.

Often used by gaming and fan communities, discord is a service that offers significant customisation, voice hangouts, direct messaging and more including the ability to assign unit or group specified roles for special access.

Last one, we promise! Making sure we deliver the best experience for 2025 is important to us. If you have any suggestions on the above, or any aspect of Q2, please let us know!

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SFCQ2 Comms

Our quarterly e-magizine, SFCQ2 Comms exclusive to SFC members as part of our free membership! Find out more and Enlist today!

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Serving the fan community since 1974, SFC is an international not for profit fan organisation bringing together collective of fans collectively enjoying strange new worlds in science fiction media.

Star Trek and all related, derived or inferred ideas are the intellectual property of Paramount and Paramount Global. No infringement is intended in the use of this material. Starfleet Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2) does not generate any income or profit from their endeavours as a fan organisation, no part of which is sanctioned by the Paramount Global group or any sub-division of the legitimate copyright holders.

Core Website layout by Ghostpool. Managed and Maintained by Aim to Misbehave on behalf of Starfleet Command  Quadrant 2

© 2401 Starfleet  Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2)

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