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Ships of the Line

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[Ships of the Line] The Steamrunner Class

One of Starfleet's most durable designs used in the later half of the 24th century, the Steamrunner is a tough little ship designed for defensive operations against the Borg and has since stood the test of time to still be used and in production decades after it's initial purpose. A relatively small and efficient design for the era, the Steamrunner may seem a unique design in Starfleet but pulls from several common elements that tie it to predecessors ranging from the Oberth to the Miranda class configurations. Spanning just 370 meters from bow to stern, covering eleven standard decks, the Steamrunner is a forward heavy ship with nearly all of it's core systems placed in the ships blocky near oval primary hull. Similar to the 23rd century Magee Class Starship, the nacelles of the ship were embedded in the primary […]

[Ships OF The Line] Sovereign Class

In 1994 Captain Picard and his Next Generation crew said their final farewells to their Enterprise after one half of the ship exploded, and the other half smashed to the surface of Veridian III. Sadly for the Enterprise, it was the victim of not only Klingon meddling, but technical requirements; the Galaxy Class was a fine ship for their television adventures, but this was the movie world they'd beamed into so a new ship was needed to kick start this new high definition widescreen adventure. Enter the Sovereign Class; a massive departure from the creature comforts of it's predecessor. IT was leaner, meaner and built to impress from the moment we saw it on screen as the all-new Enterprise-E in 1996's First Contact.

[Ships Of The Line] Intrepid Class

One of the most advanced exploration classes upon it's launch, the Intrepid Class was built with new methods of starship design and multiple innovations that advanced upon the construction methods used for the era led by the gargantuan Galaxy Class long term explorer. Built within a significantly smaller scale, the Intrepid was a light explorer built for shorter mission terms than the classic 'five year' exploration tour and served a variety of functions.

[Ships Of The Line] Prometheus Class

Starfleet may be all about exploration at it's core, but peace isn't it's only mission. As the first line of defence for the Federation, the fleet has engaged in as much war time as it has on missions of peace from bitter wars with the Klingons and Romulans, to invasions from the Borg and Dominion. While some ships are designed to be travelling research labs and others comfortable homes for long term exploration missions, some are built to fight.

[Ships of the Line] Vesta Class: Multi-Mission Explorer

Over the past few years there have been many 'Beta Canon' ships to have entered the Star Trek Universe from the Odyssey Class Enterprise-E making it's transition from Star Trek Online to Picard's final season to the Luna-Class USS Titan which appeared on Lower Decks long after the ship was designed for the novel-continuation of the franchise following Nemesis in 2023.

[Ships of the Line] Gotta Go Fast! Protostar Class

Built as a test bed for a new experimental propulsion system, the Protostar Class is a unique breed of Starship and one of the smallest corvette style ships designed by Starfleet in the 24th century. Following the revelation that warp drive was damaging the fabric of subspace ion 2370, Starfleet enacted several branches of research to find a way to ensure their exploration missions caused no damage to the natural environment.


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