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Across The Universe! Black Ops Missions & Lifetime Achievements!

The year begins with a New Trek bringing us to even strange new worlds while franchise - both old and new - celebrate upcoming awards ceremonies. Section 31 Released... After a long, long wait the potentially least anticipated project in the Star Trek Universe was released on January 25th as Section 31, starring Michelle Yeoh reprising her role as reformed (kinda) Emperor Georgiou displaced in time and recruited to rejoin Section 31 for a dangerous mission to protect the Federation in the most non Federation way possible. Initially developed as a full series exploring the nature of the organisation's questionable origins and motives, the project was placed in the hands of new writers to transform the concept into a made for streaming movie as a condensed action piece that limited the original intention and replaced it with something a little […]

A Fistful of 2024: What Trek Left Behind

As a new year begins we can't help but look back at whats been a strangely filled year for Star Trek. 2024 was a bittersweet year with a stunning amount of Star Trek on our screens, all of which was coming to an end in their final and news from behind the curtain about the next steps into the final frontier. Looking back at the highlights, even with saying goodbye to three separate shows in the wider universe, it's still been a tremendously good year in the final frontier! LONE GUARDIAN One of Star Trek's biggest surprises in recent years was the animated show built for a teenage audience as a gateway to the franchise and it's second season was a massive highlight for Star Trek in 2024. Now protege's of Admiral Janeway, the outlaw crew became entwined in the […]

Who Is Agent Daniels?

Assigned to the Enterprise NX-01 as a simple crewman, the man known as Daniels had always been a bit of a mystery. Even when he was revealed to be a time traveller from the 31st century trying desperately to avert the complete destruction of the timeline. Hang on. Maybe we should start from the beginning. If there is such a thing...

[Review] Life Itself…. Discovery S5E10

Trapped between two black holes, the doorway to the Progenitor's legacy is wide open. Discovery's on guarding duty following Burnham chasing Moll inside while the Breen are recovering to take the technology for themselves before a rival faction finds them. With everything to fight for and the chase becoming a race against time, Discovery's crew enter their final house and a bit to end their five season journey.

[Review] LaGrange Point: Discovery S5E09

All the pieces of the puzzle have been put together. Now with the end in sight, Burnham and her crew are on the edge of their greatest discovery. Yet there are still obstacles in the way with Moll and the Breen having taken possession of the combined Progenitor Artifact, the USS Discovery dead in the water and a potential all out conflict in the background. No wonder Rayner keeps pacing....

[Review] Labyrinths, Discovery S5E08

Hidden behind trials, tests and general annoyances that would drive even a sane person a little bit mad, the final piece of the puzzle is in sight. Hidden within an ancient travelling archive of the galaxy's most prized knowledge, the only problem is figuring out what it all means. Arriving at the Eternal Library, Captain Burnham opens the pages of an ancient Betazoid manuscript looking for the final answer only to find herself trapped in a psychological game where she doesn't even know the question...


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