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A Fistful of 2024: What Trek Left Behind

As a new year begins we can't help but look back at whats been a strangely filled year for Star Trek. 2024 was a bittersweet year with a stunning amount of Star Trek on our screens, all of which was coming to an end in their final and news from behind the curtain about the next steps into the final frontier. Looking back at the highlights, even with saying goodbye to three separate shows in the wider universe, it's still been a tremendously good year in the final frontier! LONE GUARDIAN One of Star Trek's biggest surprises in recent years was the animated show built for a teenage audience as a gateway to the franchise and it's second season was a massive highlight for Star Trek in 2024. Now protege's of Admiral Janeway, the outlaw crew became entwined in the […]

For The Uniform: The First Contact Era, 2373-2380’s

The Borg were on the attack, the Dominion were plotting to overthrow the Federation and the Klingons were on the offensive. Also there was a new feature film with all new design in the works, so it was time for a new change for Starfleet as the bright colours were thrown out and replaced with something more fitting for an era of doom and gloom. Introduced in Star Trek First Contact, the new uniform was an evolution of the previous design initially created for Deep Space Nine's more 'hands on' style. The 'First Contact' uniform was a bit of a departure from what we'd seen in the Next Generation era. The original Star Trek uniforms were designed in an era where colour television was brand spanking new and as such, they were bright, bold and matched the multicoloured mood lights […]

A Fistful Of Discovery’s Best Episodes (So Far…)

Since it's launch as Star Trek's new flagship show in 2017, Star Trek Discovery has made an effort to reinvent itself year by year to tell new stories with new styles and themes. Each season being it's own new mission, the crew began as distrustful strangers under the command of a cold tactician to living in the far future trying to restore the Federation into the utopia of it's prime.

A Fistful Of Unnoficial Ships Made Canon

Since the debut of the USS Enterprise in 1966, Matt Jeffries design became the template that every designer has helped to expand upon since, giving Star Trek it's own unique and easily identifiable style linking everything from the Enterprise-D to Discover for decades. Since then several designers have been hired to bring new iconic ships to Star Trek, including Andrew Probert, Rick Sternbach and Kelvin Timeline designer Ryan Church. However, while most ships were built in house for their productions, not every ship we've seen on screen began it's life in a production office nor in any official capacity.

Who Is… Ezri Dax?

There are a few characters in the Star Trek Universe we've spent generations with. And there are some who barely got a chance to shine. And there are some that expanded media have revived in their own way. In a return to our old Comms feature, we're looking into one of those who's short time in Trek lived on beyond the known universe and asking... Who is Ezri Dax?

A Fistul of Retro Revivals

Since it's inception, Lower Decks has had multiple cameo's and revivals over the years with Season Four showcasing some impressive returns from Chaotica himself causing chaos for the Lower Decks crew to Grand Nagus Rom and Lita boarding the Cerrtitos for trade negotiations. But with decades of canon to lift from, who else should take their retro guest spotliight?


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