
Starfleet Command (or SFC) is an international non-profit making group of Star Trek, Science Fiction and Space Enthusiasts and one of the largest Star Trek fan clubs in the world. Originally founded in the United States in 1974, the club is patterned after the Starfleet Command organisation as seen in the Star Trek television series and movies.

Starfleet Command is unique amongst Sci-Fi clubs – not only do we have an unparalleled fifty-plus year history of continuous activity world wide, we were also given our start by Gene Roddenberry himself! Legend has it that Starfleet Command’s founders approached Gene with the concept of a club based on the Starfleet organisation as seen in the show and asked for his approval. Naturally, they received it – in fact, the original SFC club logo was even seen in a subtly modified form in Star Trek: The Motion Picture!

While the Star Trek franchise went from strength to strength with the jump to motion pictures and the introduction of The Next Generation, Starfleet Command also prospered and spread around the world – with the US arm becoming Quadrant One, being joined by Quadrant Two (UK and Europe) shortly afterwards and finally Quadrant Three (Singapore and Australia) completing the global organisation.

Each Quadrant is supervised by an Admiralty Board, assisted by a Command Support Staff, in support of individual Units scattered across the Quadrant. These Units are the real heart of SFC – each one based on a vessel or facility as seen in Star Trek’s many incarnations hosting their own unique roster, activities and identity. SFC Units can be Space Stations, Ground Bases or even Shuttlecraft – but the most common Unit type remains a Starship.

Quadrant 2 spans Europe with it’s core base of operations in the UK with several groups ranging in type, set up and activities. We may not be able to provide a deck under your feet or warp drive, but we do aim to encourage an environment where you can meet like-minded fans and make friends with the same interests as you.

Just like the Starfleet you have seen in the Star Trek shows, we award rank on merit – so the member who sits back and allows SFC to run on around them is less likely to see promotion than one who joins in and takes part in events and activities. We recognise your involvement and commitment to SFC and will reward you for it – today’s Admirals and Unit Captains were once Cadets and Ensigns themselves!

Whether you’re a wily veterans or an enthusiastic newcomer, all members are treated equally with opportunities to advance within the clubs structure and take part in activities and meetups all over the UK. However, the emphasis is on always on enjoying yourself. If you’re looking for some gold on your collar, you’ve come to the wrong place! But if you’d like to make friends with people who share a common interest and maybe take part in the world’s foremost Fan-run Star Trek Club, then we’re looking for you!

Membership is absolutely free and once you have graduated from Starfleet Academy you will receive a full membership pack along with a pdf format Graduation Certificate and Duty Orders, personalised for you and sent straight to your e-mail. To join the ranks of Starfleet Command, simply fill out the online membership form – Starfleet Administration endeavours to maintain a maximum 28 day turnaround on new memberships, so please be patient. However, if you have any questions relating to memberships, please contact the Admin Department using the link below.

On behalf of Admiral Mitchell and the Admiralty Board, We look forward to welcoming you aboard!


Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination

In Star Trek canon, IDIC is a Vulcan philosophy and also a prestigious Vulcan award of merit. The phrase in Vulcan is Kol-Ut-Shan. “The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.” “And the ways our differences combine to create meaning and beauty.

Over the years the term has been embraced by fans worldwide to mirror Star Trek’s collectively varied and diverse cultures all standing together as one and a symbol of the wide spectrum of human differences in all it’s forms.

IDIC has become more than a piece of lore in a show bible, for many, it has become an ideal worth striving for. For SFC it’s a philosophy proudly rooted in the core of our foundation.

Starfleet may be a fictional organisation, but it is one that has always had ideals that the best of humanity has strived for. Star Trek originated with an ethnically diverse crew to show that one day we can set aside all our differences and fear to accept each other for who and what we are.

That ideal became a vital part of the shows ideology; wearing the uniform meant more than serving as an explorer, it was a symbol of peace, unity and acceptance. A sign that one day we would all lay down our arms and truly become a unified global civilisation.

The Admiralty Board and the members of Starfleet Command Quadrant 2 are proud to embrace that ideal, to neither judge nor discriminate by race, creed, disability, gender or orientation. To stand together as one in acceptance, unity and understanding.

We proudly ‘wear the uniform’ to uphold more than just a fandom, but to uphold an ideal that we believe can and will benefit the world we live in. All members are treated equally and fairly and we believe in creating an inclusive culture for everyone within, and outwith, our fleet.

As such, SFC Q2 has a strict no tolerance policy of any forms of discrimination. Those with an extremist view opposing or repressing those ideals we have all appreciated and aspired to through the decades have no place in the fleet.

‘Star Trek’ has always been pictorial of diversity and inclusion and universality. It’s one of the main reasons it’s so important to so many people to this day. So if you say you love the legacy of ‘Star Trek’ but you don’t love that, you’ve missed the point.
Sonequa Martin-Green
Captain Michael Burnham, Discovery
If man is to survive, he will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between men and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear.
Gene Roddenberry
Executive Producer & Creator
'Star Trek' is about acceptance, and the strength of the Starship Enterprise is that it embraces diversity in all its forms.
George Takei
Hikaru Sulu, Star Trek

Fleet Structure

With Quadrant 2’s structure being based on the Starfleet ‘Chain of Command’, overall day to day operations for Quadrant 2 is led by the Admiralty Board.

Made up some of the longest-serving and highest-ranking active members of SFC the Admiralty Board are responsible for the organisation, direction and day-to-day running of the Club in general as well as encouraging and nurturing the Command Support Staff and Unit Commanding Officers who lead their groups on the front line of fandom.

The Admirals Board (ADMB) is led by the Director of Operations (DOPS). Supplementing oversight from the board are The Captains Table, comprised of our Captains and group leaders; Europa/Home Fleet for Social Media Activities; and Fleet Support, key members taking on unique roles to support command.

As well as handling their individual tasks, the Admiralty Board work together to ensure all aspects of SFC operate smoothly. Any and all matters which effect the fleet as a whole, unit operations or start ups, or in simple matters of public image and coordination are handled by the board.

Much like the Admiralty Board, our fleet support staff and the Captains Table are volunteers who have graciously given up their active roles within their units to serve the fleet as a whole, providing support for all officers and crew. Collectively each branch of Q2 operate together with each individual role defined to aid Q2 operations. Working together each division and person operating within Q2’s Chain of Command helps to build an ever growing and evolving foundation that has kept the fleet running for more than fifty years.


The Chain of Command allows for administrative and rather dull tasks to be operated int he background while Commanding Officers and members of the Captains table would lead membership on a more operational – and more fun – level. The branches of Q2’s command structure includes…

Director of Fleet Operations

Oversees all aspects of the daily operation of Starfleet: their duties include the chairing and moderation of the Admiralty Board, overseeing Unit Operations, matters of procedure and any and all matters that have a fleet-wide impact.

Admiralty Board

Responsible for the oversight of all membership services and maintaining the operational structure of the fleet and it’s units. Members and responsibilities of board members are under the discretion and assignment of DOPS.

Captains Table

Made up of all Commanding Officers, the Captains Table are the most vital in the fleet. As leaders and representatives of all units, the CO’s work with the Admiralty Board to help shape and guide the fleet through all adventures.

Fleet Support

An extension of the Administrative branch of Q2, Fleet Support roles vary by need and purpose to allow specialised focus from experiences and respected members in supporting Q2 and it’s membership

Home Fleet

Traditionaly led by the Starbase Europa CO, the Home Fleet encompasses the online social presence and image of Q2 including, but not limited to, content and discussion moderation and development.

Home Fleet

Traditionaly led by the Starbase Europa CO, the Home Fleet encompasses the online social presence and image of Q2 including, but not limited to, content and discussion moderation and development.

Further information on roles, responsibilities and how the Admiralty Board and the Q2 Chain of Command is implemented can be found within our Membership Handbook.


Fleet Contacts

Mark Mitchell

Director of Fleet Operations

James Tyler Marczynka

Director of Fleet Administration

Scott Arlow

Chief of Staff

David Crawford

CO, Home Fleet

Piers Drinkall

Internal Relations Officer

John Bond

EDI Officer

David Shires

Academy Commandant


Fleet Communications


Membership in Quadrant 2

Helping to connect fans for over four decades as part of a national, and global, network, Starfleet Command Quadrant 2 is a diverse and eclectic collective of Star Trek and science fiction fans, and we always welcome new additions to our fleet and new connections being made.

Without any shadow of doubt, Star Trek has one of the most passionate fanbases in the world, and in our time as one of the worlds longest running and most consistently active clubs we have become home to many fans from all walks of life with varied interests and personalities.

By joining SFC you’ll be able to find new connections, meet life long fans with varying perspectives, find those with similar interests as yourself and be welcome to take part in any aspect of our community as a whole.

Throughout the years SFC has been able to offer members new challenges, new possibilities, to appear on television and radio and much more. But most importantly, it has allowed members to make new connections and life long friends.

Whether your goal is to get involved in the community, meet new people or simply enjoy our base offerings, all are welcome within the fleet and your membership is catered to your needs.

Nobody could imagine the phenomenon Star Trek became. It’s still almost impossible to imagine.
William Shatner

By joining SFC Quadrant 2, you’ll become part of one of the longest running fan clubs in the world and gain new connections and new friendships across the UK. Aside from joining the collective of Star Trek and sci fi fans, we go to the extreme effort of ensuring we offer a full range of services and community from the club on both a local and fleet wide level.

Our core offerings can and will change and evolve over time, as it has done for more than forty years, to keep up with the needs of our club and the ever evolving landscape of Star Trek and the science fiction fan community.

What won’t change is our continuing dedication to our members, our community and ensuring your time in the fleet is a positive one.


A fan club with a hierarchy and rewards structure based on a fantasy military (sorry, ‘peace keeping armada!’) might seem like we’re all about rules and structure but at it’s core, Quadrant 2 believes in fun over function and utilise the fantasy as a backdrop to what we’re really about; people.

Since it’s inception SFC has centred around the community of the fleet and the connections we’ve made with each other over the years and coming together in being fans of Star Trek, of the wider science fiction community and meeting more like minded people across the country and every year we enjoy more coming to the collective with their unique view and personality to share our interests with.
We take great pride in the friendships that have been formed over the years, our stance on equality and acceptance and above all else, our continuing mission to welcome all to a friendly and diverse group of fans.
Upon signing up to SFC, all members are welcome to join our fleet-wide social hubs – primarily built through Starbase Europa – as well as immediate entry into your local unit for on the ground activities. And there’s no obligation or ‘right’ way to be a member. You can build and chose what you get out of SFC and how you interact whether that be as part of a community hosting events, or lurking in the background reading our internal Relay posts.
Ascend The Ranks

With a rewards system based upon the world of Starfleet, we offer a system of rewards and recognition based upon it’s ranking system.

Upon joining SFC you’ll be invited to join Starfleet Academy; providing insight and knowledge on the world of Starfleet and SFC. The optional four-part welcome course offers you the chance to jump straight into membership activities right away!

Graduating the Academy not only offers your first promotional reward as part of SFC, but upon completion of the initial course you’ll unlock further membership rewards!

In addition to the rank system we also award certificates and commendations, ensuring recognition is given wherever it is due and no one’s contributions are overlooked.

If you feel you can contribute more, we also offer members the chance to pass through ‘Command Training’ and help to establish a local unit of their own and join an elite few who have taken the position of captain; a leading voice in Quadrant 2’s future.

However, even with our rewards system in place, our key emphasis is on always on enjoying yourself – if you’re looking for some gold on your collar or braid on your sleeve, you’ve come to the wrong place! But if you’d like to make friends with people who share a common interest and maybe take part in the world’s foremost Fan-run Star Trek Club, then you will find a home with our fleet!

Did we mention that membership with SFC Quadrant 2 is absolutely free?

With internal groups and activities, awards, unique items in our quartermasters store and more, all divisions of SFC strive to offer the very best experience to all members from being able to form new friendships and take part in local and nationwide activities.

For decades SFC Quadrant 2 has taken pride in putting our connections between members first.

The most important thing to all of us is bringing fans together. And unlike many other clubs, we believe fandom doesn’t come at a premium and welcome all new members to join our collective without a membership fee.


We Are Starfleet

Join the collective and become a member of Quadrant 2!

Serving the fan community for over fifty years, Q2 welcomes all to join our collective of Star Trek & Sci Fi fans!

...did we mention membership is free?!

Serving the fan community since 1974, SFC is an international not for profit fan organisation bringing together collective of fans collectively enjoying strange new worlds in science fiction media.

Star Trek and all related, derived or inferred ideas are the intellectual property of Paramount and Paramount Global. No infringement is intended in the use of this material. Starfleet Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2) does not generate any income or profit from their endeavours as a fan organisation, no part of which is sanctioned by the Paramount Global group or any sub-division of the legitimate copyright holders.

Core Website layout by Ghostpool. Managed and Maintained by Aim to Misbehave on behalf of Starfleet Command  Quadrant 2

© 2401 Starfleet  Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2)

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