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Across The Universe! Black Ops Missions & Lifetime Achievements!

The year begins with a New Trek bringing us to even strange new worlds while franchise - both old and new - celebrate upcoming awards ceremonies. Section 31 Released... After a long, long wait the potentially least anticipated project in the Star Trek Universe was released on January 25th as Section 31, starring Michelle Yeoh reprising her role as reformed (kinda) Emperor Georgiou displaced in time and recruited to rejoin Section 31 for a dangerous mission to protect the Federation in the most non Federation way possible. Initially developed as a full series exploring the nature of the organisation's questionable origins and motives, the project was placed in the hands of new writers to transform the concept into a made for streaming movie as a condensed action piece that limited the original intention and replaced it with something a little […]

[Q2&A] Who Are The ADMB And What Do They Do?

In previous Q2&A posts we've went over our ranking structure and what it means in reality, as well as how to join the Captains Table and become part of Q2's valued leadership team. But every now and then, we have someone who's ambitions are a little higher and those Admirals bars seem very appealing to some. In the Star Trek Universe what Starfleet is and how it operations tends to deviate from script to script. Sometimes its a strict military structure, sometimes it's an idealistic job and sometimes it's a peace keeping armada where you can become captain on a whim. It works in the greater context as a futurist navy where you earn your way to the top, or without the up and out rules of most navies, stay where you are and work on where you best fit. […]

[Ships of the Line] The Steamrunner Class

One of Starfleet's most durable designs used in the later half of the 24th century, the Steamrunner is a tough little ship designed for defensive operations against the Borg and has since stood the test of time to still be used and in production decades after it's initial purpose. A relatively small and efficient design for the era, the Steamrunner may seem a unique design in Starfleet but pulls from several common elements that tie it to predecessors ranging from the Oberth to the Miranda class configurations. Spanning just 370 meters from bow to stern, covering eleven standard decks, the Steamrunner is a forward heavy ship with nearly all of it's core systems placed in the ships blocky near oval primary hull. Similar to the 23rd century Magee Class Starship, the nacelles of the ship were embedded in the primary […]

Inside Trek: Brannon Braga

Just as many new stars have been created by joining the world of Star Trek on screen from respected actors becoming international sensations to young new talents having their moment to shine, there have been just as many stars have also been made behind the scenes. For every story told and new star made in the Star Trek Universe it takes an army of talent behind the scenes to make sure that universe comes to life. From production designers to lighting technicians and the artists behind every ship, creature and corner of a set, there are many who have helped shape the Star Trek Universe, and more than a few who's careers have started thanks to it's existence. Between 1987 and 2005 Star Trek properly became a franchise of connected universes and stories with the launch of the Next Generation […]

Who Is Phillipa Georgiou?

Phillipa Georgiou was one of Starfleets finest. Commanding an exploration mission on an aging vessel, she was a decorated and respected leader in the fleet that would inspire future generations and colleagues alike. And then she died, killed while boarding an ancient Klingon ship whose captain was determined to reignite a new war to bring the great houses together again. In comparison to the honourable captain who stood by the rules, the Georgiou that exists now is her opposite. In her world she wasn't a hero, but a savage ruler of the Terran Empire. Reigning with fear and terror, her empire was built on slavery, genocide and war. Eventually her dominance was challenged when Gabriel Lorca – himself a Terran hiding in the Prime Universe – would use Discovery's experimental spore drive technology to pull the ship back to his […]


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