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We’re of course sorry to see you go. At any time if you feel you wish to rejoin SFCQ2, you will always be welcome within our fleet.

Although we are always open for feedback, if you had a moment spare, we would love to hear your feedback as an outgoing member on how you found your time in SFC; if we fell short of your expectations or needs or if you at any point felt we could have done more to improve.

If you have any comments, suggestions or general feedback – we would be more than happy to take it on board and have attached a form below.

Exit Survey

We always aim to make sure every member has the opportunity to get the most out of their membership. As we constantly aim to improve how SFCQ2 services our members, we’d like to find out what you participated in, what you enjoyed and what we could do better. Please feel free to tell us as much or as little as you’d like to help us improve our service to other new members and through your time with us to come.

* indicates required field

Fleet Activities
What elements or services have you used or participated within through your SFC Membership?

Comms Relay
Throughout 2020 we aim to expand behind our issues of Comms to deliver more content to members of Quadrant 2. What would you like to see more of?


Thank you for taking the time to complete our "Field Report" survey. All the answers provided and all feedback is very important in improving our membership experience, both in the fleet as a whole as well as units on the ground. If you'd like to continue you membership and accept Officer Status, please confirm below. Alternatively if you feel SFC isn't your cup of Earl Grey, you can cancel your membership now or at any time.

If you'd like us to give you any specific information on Officer privileges, please let us know!

To submit your Officer Acceptance Confirmation and your answers, please complete the Capcha below and press "Submit". Your feedback will be reviewed by our Admiralty Board and any specific information with other senior members where appropriate: We will not share your name along with any feedback unless there is a specific need to do so (such as requiring help, assistance etc).

Once submitted, you will be redirected to the Membership Hub of

First Contact

If you have any questions about SFC, what we do or more information before enlisting in our ranks – or anything else we can help with – a member of our team is always on hand to answer. Our general enquiries are responded to by our Department of Communications.

We endeavour to reply to all general enquiries within a maximum of three days, however this can occasionally take longer depending on the demand as members services and internal communications are treated with priority.

In addition to our email, you can also get in touch through our Facebook and Twitter inboxes. However we should note than our email is more regularly monitored than our social media accounts.

For members with internal enquiries, both Admin and CO emails are included within our membership hub.


Serving the fan community since 1974, SFC is an international not for profit fan organisation bringing together collective of fans collectively enjoying strange new worlds in science fiction media.

Star Trek and all related, derived or inferred ideas are the intellectual property of Paramount and Paramount Global. No infringement is intended in the use of this material. Starfleet Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2) does not generate any income or profit from their endeavours as a fan organisation, no part of which is sanctioned by the Paramount Global group or any sub-division of the legitimate copyright holders.

Core Website layout by Ghostpool. Managed and Maintained by Aim to Misbehave on behalf of Starfleet Command  Quadrant 2

© 2401 Starfleet  Command Quadrant 2 (SFCQ2)

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