Note: Unit Groups are also available; information is available via your CO or Fleet Contact.
Kirk's era my have started the phenomenon, but 1994 was a different era. Picard's Enterprise crew had just finished more than twice the amount of seasons of the original with one spin off finding it's feet and another in the pipeline. With the original crew having said their goodbyes in the Undiscovered country, the old was already out and the not quite as old were ready to take over the film branch of the Star Trek franchise. But not without a weird handover ceremony. Years after his final voyage as captain, Kirk is dragged out of retirement to sit in a chair and smile politely as a new captain launched with a new Enterprise. Of course, the new captain was typically useless so when the Enterprise was the only ship in range again, and the ship was dragged into an […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA November 19, 2024
Alien abduction isn't exactly an innovative or creative plot device. Long before the X Files became the most popular brand of alien conspiracy in media, we had everything from the memorably dazzling abduction in Close Encounters of the Third Kind to the found footage wonder The McPherson Tape. For Star Trek, however, it's an odd concept to include. Humanity is a space faring species and some of our best pals are aliens. If one crept into your bedroom in the middle of the night and took you on board their ship, that's more of a diplomatic nightmare than a horrific conspiracy. So when it did happen in Next Gen's Schisms it all felt a bit weird and creepy. Mostly in a good way.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA October 15, 2024
Closing off an accidental trilogy, Kirk and his disgraced crew wrap up chilling out on Vulcan to go back to Earth for a bit of a wrist slapping. While they saunter back home in a stolen Klingon ship, an alien probe pops round for tea and biscuits on Earth. Except, there's neither tea nor biscuits buit a confusing sense of chaos as it sucks everything around it of power and soaks up Earths oceans for what seems like no apparent reason.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA September 17, 2024
The Wrath of Khan was the end of the road, or so many thought. So killing off Spock was a way to close that chapter of their lives and move on to other projects. But of course, the second outing was also a success, but director Nick Meyer had a feeling it would be and put in a caveat. Before his death, Spock mind melded with Dr McCoy and told him to remember...
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA July 16, 2024
Over several era's and realities within the Star Trek Universe, there are very few who can tie them all together. Kirk may have met Picard thanks to the Nexus, and Riker may have joined the crew of the Cerritos, but before those events crossed over there was one landmark event that not only helped to bridge the worlds of the original series and the Next Generation, but would begin a thread that would help spawn both the Kelvin Timeline era as well as the new revival of Star Trek. During it's time the Next Generation had a cameo or two from the original series. Even right at the beginning as a much older Dr McCoy, now an Admiral, had a brief scene comparing Data to his old friend Spock in the first of many “passing the torch” moments for the […]
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA June 18, 2024
In comparison to it's predecessors, Deep Space Nine is a show that built on it's concept expanding in story, setting and character unlike we'd seen before. In bringing the series to a close, it wasn't just a one and done grand finale. It was the culmination of story threads reaching back from the beginning; from the spiritual state of Bajor and the aliens they heralded as Gods, to the slow creeping Dominion threat that became all out war that dragged in nearly every faction that set foot on the station.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA May 21, 2024
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations. That's the mantra of Star Trek fans across the world. Yet when it came to alien life the infinite combinations and diversity often came down to face-paint and prosthetics on noticeably normal people. There's little to separate human and Betazoid aside from dark eyes. Vulcans are human looking with pointed ears. Even the reptilian Cardassians have human features buried under rubber and glue.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA April 16, 2024
Over the past few years through Comms, we've looked back at past iterations of Star Trek with rose coloured glasses and a bit of humour. This time round, we're reaching back only seven years for the 'youngest' retro review to date. Since it's debut in 2017, Discovery has launched a whole new world of Star Trek from animated comedies, to sombre reunions with past heroes. Ait all began with Discovery. This year the flagship show of the modern era comes to a close as Michael Burnham leads her crew through a treasure hunt that began centuries before her time. With the end in sight for Discovery as a series, we're looking right back to the beginning. The episode that, not only kicked off the show, but of the modern Star Trek era.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA March 19, 2024
Whenever you ask a DS9 fan where to start, the answer is rarely from the beginning. The first seasons of the show were good, sometimes great. The foundations were laid for a darker show than the flagship adventures of the Enterprise We had Federation turncoats in the Maquis; an uneasy peace between Bajor and their former oppressors in Cardassia; there was politics and religion crossing over on all fronts and from the end of season two we had the Dominion lurking on the far side of the wormhole teasing their incoming takeover of Federation Space.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA February 13, 2024
The word 'Legacy' has been storming every corner of fan circles since the closing episode of Star Trek Picard which saw the former captains story with the Borg come full circle in more ways than one. While showrunner Terry Matalas has said there's nothing confirmed with Paramount to his grand plan to continue the stage set by the finale, we're digging into the Comms archive to look back at one of the touch stones of the seasons story arcs.
ADM JT Marczynka, DoFA January 16, 2024
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