2024 marks fifty years since the creation of Starfleet Command as a whole. In it’s early years SFC was a fully immersive fan organisation and still carries a lot of those elements in the 21st century. Even with the split between Quadrant’s 1 & 2 decades ago, we still retain some of the legacy ideologies and policies baked into our “Starfleet Handbook” for new and existing members.
Times however do bring in change. While we still hold our original structure and values at heart, there’s a noticeable difference between what we consider membership rules, and legacy guidance and information thats there for the fun and games on a whim.
Ever since the formation of SFC way back in the days of old, fans all over the world would immerse themselves in the idea of being as close to a real Starfleet as they could possibly get. Right down to it’s orignisational structure. With Captains, Commanders and even Admirals living among us in the Starfleet world, fandom has both held on to the concept with some holding their rank and title close to their heard and others not really bothering.
So where does rank fit here in the 21st century of Q2?
On the surface rank and title seems pretty straight forward. But often we get asked hot to advance or attain rank and some feeling glum about being the ships Harry Kim. Many have gained rank through time served and contribution to SFC and thee is a sense of pride to have in being recognised for your efforts. Though the times of being a strict structure don’t marry up as well decades later and in a modern world things have become a little more casual.
Having a ranking system as part of membership has been baked into SFC since it’s inception. Using the Starfleet Quasi-navel system allowed members to ‘level up’ membership and climb a soft copy of the on screen fictional ladder. At he time immersion was high and it was a fun thing to be part of. Even if there was no real importance to it all. Admiral or Ensign, everyone a member and if you expected rank to come with privilege you’d always have been in the wrong place!
As times moved on that more casual perception changed and while some prefer the immersion, and it’s a traditional part of the clubs origins and structure, being part of the community is always more important than a fictional rank.
In practice, like nearly everything in Quadrant 2, rank and title is shorthand more than anything else to help streamline the organisation. And it all begins with Cadets…
Cadets are newcomers to the club in a provisional period. Like what you see? Stay and become an officer. Don’t enjoy membership? No hard feelings.
Those that do stay, the bulk of Q2, are marked as officers. Officers are the live general membership. Officer level ranks are coordinated mostly in local groups – or units – using starfleet ranks as a recognition structure. An Ensign may be a relatively new or casual member. The group lead/Commanding Officer can reward recognition or group effort with promotion to Lt Commander or one grade below the CO up to Lt Commander recognition, this is all handled locally based on the unit or CO’s preference. Though all members are created equal.
Commanding Officers are group leaders. Group leaders run the operations of their region and steer the ship. CO’s not only act as the leader or coordinator of a group, but represent SFC and their local region. They have support of the board and can mediate, coordinate and delegate any group tasks and events.
We do have some protected ranks such as Commander and Captain. Even though immersion is less involved, we still hold those titles in some esteem and hold them for leaders and members who have shown exceptional effort and stand out as incredible members within the home fleet. It may seem old fashioned and a little bit odd to some, but in shorthand terms if someones a captain or commander within Quadrant 2, we hold them in very high regard in both membership, contribution and leadership.
Flag ranks are the easiest shorthand. They’re administration. Admirals run policy, liability, mediation and complaints, any day to day operations coordinating and discussing things outwith the fleet, fund any resources required including servers and insurance and generally don’t get to have any fun! Flag ranks indicate a fleet administrative duty outwith local groups and tend to have a specific role or task. Collectively theres a board of operations (right now a very small board!) to make fair and just decisions on the advice of CO’s and members alike.
- Cadets: New Members
- Officers: General Membership
- CO’s: Group Leaders & Coordinators
- Flag Officers: Admin, Paperwork, expenses.
Outwith the ranking system of Member/Leader/Admin, we do have roles and responsibilities to help keep things running and recognition programs. However ranks within SFC bears no real weight. A Lieutenant may have been around longer than an Ensign. An Admiral has paperwork. Captains are people who have given invaluable contribution to the whole.
But whether you take more pride in your rank and want more pips on your metaphorical collar, or just want to hang out with fellow geeks at a Search for Spock anniversary screening, no one really outranks anyone. We’re here for fun and if someone wants a salute? They can join the real navy!