2024 marks fifty years since the creation of Starfleet Command as a whole. In it’s early years SFC was a fully immersive fan organisation and still carries a lot of those elements in the 21st century. Even with the split between Quadrant’s 1 & 2 decades ago, we still retain some of the legacy ideologies and policies baked into our “Starfleet Handbook” for new and existing members.
Since our humble beginnings fifty years ago, SFC hasn’t been a singular thing. We’re a collective. Groups of people with the same interests, connected by an ideal or a fandom that can bring people together locally or reach out further beyond. Each of those groups, or units in our fleet focused wording, are the core of the fleet and everything we’re here for.
On screen, starships come and go with new heroes leading the way for new adventures. The same is true for our units as the club evolves with new members, new adventures and new possibilities. Especially now that we’re in a whole new era for the sci fi that started it all.
What a unit is can be hard to define. Each brings something different, their own voice to the choir and their own spirit. Some units such as the modern Churchill or long reigning Sovereign cast a wider net for social media base interaction. Some from the days of Broadsword and Old Sarum tot he new flagship Tesla, are all about get together,m events and inviting social circles. Some lean into role-play while others prefer a casual chat. Some like to build and create, some have preferred book groups or watch parties and some change and evolve as they go.
Leading the way for each unit is it’s Captain; a volunteer taking on the mantle of leadership, organising activities and shaping what the unit’s all about with the help of Q2 and fellow members of the Captains Table.
Every person within the fleet who’s sought to be Captain has their own style and their own ideas. When we look for a new Captain, those areas are whats most important to us; getting an understanding of what you’re looking for, how you envision your unit and how it’ll shape itself as both an individual group as well as part of the greater whole of Quadrant 2.
Captains bring leadership both in how they take charge in forming and organising a local unit, as well as how they become a part of the Captains Table within the fleet and help shape and form the club as a whole as we look to the ever distant future. New Captains and new ideas are always welcome, especially when we can see growth, encouragement and support in each other and a welcoming reflection of the growing and changing fanbase as Star Trek – as well as the science fiction genre itself – continues to evolve and bring in new fans.
When considering applicants for units, we take a lot of things into consideration. Obviously being apart of Q2 with knowledge and respect for our clubs values, goals and structure is important. But we know it’s a voluntary role and one that can be as demanding as it can be rewarding. Though before puling the trigger, it’s always best to make sure the basics are covered first;
- Where: Do you plan for the unit to be part of a town or region? Does it have a unique location or will it cross paths with another unit? It may seem an obvious thing, but location helps us know where to help and who we can invite or direct your way.
- Who: Do you have a founding member base for the unit? To help the chances of a units successful launch, we have a minimum requirement which can be made up of existing Q2 members or new cadets.
- Why: The big one. One of the final steps in the application is the Mission Statement. It doesn’t have to be a five step plan to success with diagrams and a manifesto. Just what your plans are, what the focus is and what your unit will bring to the members.
From there, the rest of the foundation isn’t always easy. But once you’ve put forward your bid to become a Q2 Captain, you’ll have the help, support and guidance of the admin and captains within the club.
Q2 does take out some pressure by taking care of admin and other technicalities, but organising and taking lead of events, meet ups and even finding a vibe that works rests firmly on the shoulders of anyone who takes the proverbial chair. Strong leadership and drive is needed, as well as a little patience! But helping to bring together a group can be a highly satisfying experience and lead to strong bonds, friendships and much more.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Starting a unit has never been easier. In the past it was customary to bring an idea to the board and begin the process. While a recommended step, it’s not always essential. These days submissions for new units can be made at any time through the Membership Hub.
The Unit Application page can be accessed directly in the overview page once logged in and under the Account section. The application page will give a brief overview of expectations, and optional guidance is also available within the Database and Downloads sections. The application asks the same Who, Where and Why’s alongside basics of what we expect from Captains as well as what Captains should expect from us.
Once we’ve received the information, Admin first talks it over with the board before opening a chat with the prospective Captain to confirm information, offer support for any uncertainties and hammer out the best way to get from application to launch. Once ready, we’ll gather any resources we need, add the unit to our Active List and begin the traditional ‘shakedown cruise’.
Since lockdown ended we’ve seen several members of Q2 look for something new to help connect with other members as well as other fans. As we look ahead to our fiftieth anniversary and new beginnings coming up in 2025, there’s no better time than to take the first steps and take your place at the Captains Table.
New Unit Applications are open and can be completed in the Membership Hub. You can also read out directly to Admin via email, Whatsapp and other contacts listed in the Fleet Contacts section of the Hub Overview page.